Dienstag, 22. April 2008

What do you get if you cross a post-modernist with a Mafioso? Someone who’ll make you an offer you can’t understand!

Fridolin: Künstliche Intelligenz

"Out of Control
The New Biology of Machines, Social Systems, and the Economic World"/kk

Evolutionary psychology

" I think there’s a consensus amongst analytic philosophers that post-modernism is largely self-indulgent, self-important bunk, that has rather inexplicably taken hold in many philosophy departments outside the English-speaking world, and in many non-philosophy departments inside it....... Post-modernists tend to have a fundamentally different view of language and other representation, a view inherited from structuralism in linguistics. Representations, they say, only ever refer or apply to other representations, so that language (and thought) is literally cut off from the real world. No matter how hard you try to refer to the non-representational, you can’t do it....

Baudrillard is entirely typical in this regard:

The form of my language is almost more important than what I have to say within it. Language has to be synchronous with the fragmentary nature of reality. With its viral, fractal quality, that’s the essence of the thing! It’s not a question of ideas – there are already too many ideas!”


Sir Geoffrey Warnock, to the question, “What does philosophy mean to you?”:

To be clear-headed rather than confused; lucid rather than obscure; rational rather than otherwise; and to be neither more, nor less, sure of things than is justifiable by argument or evidence. That is worth trying for."///Hanley

Sonntag, 20. April 2008


Der Nexus schien beruhigt und mit meinen Untersuchungen kam ich gut voran. Die HED hat sich seltsam verändert. Sie ist beseelt und eigenwillig geworden, versucht die Kontrolle über den Nexus an sich zu reissen, ist aber meines Erachtens nicht die einzige Kraft, die das versucht. Um die Mission nicht zu gefährden ist äusserste Zurückhaltung angeraten.
Tarnung ist geboten...

Biosphere//"Guided by an adult, young participants are invited to become real environmental detectives! Wearing sunglasses and armed with their Agent X identity cards, they explore various aspects of their daily lives and carry out different missions to:"
WordDetective//"If we use your question in a column, your e-mail address will not be included in the column. If you wish to have your name kept confidential as well, please let us know when you submit your question."

Sonntag, 2. März 2008

Creative Output ME

Mental-Escher.Net - The Pluri Media Group

Cyberpunk Radio: Your Portal to the Future Mental Escher is just that, a play on your brain, a tease, an Escher. It comes and goes and you're just not sure what you just heard, but the addiction lasts for hours. IDIOTVOX

"The advent of the robotic musician is still pretty far from your Timestamp circa 2008, however your near future will see profound changes in how we perceive "creativity", and how "creative" content is produced, manipulated, and monetized."

Montag, 11. Februar 2008

Mittwoch, 23. Januar 2008

Mittwoch, 2. Januar 2008



Cache abfragen http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:www.gesuchtes.etc

Hobopoet: Play (great linkage)
Zombie Disco :::: Nova Express
fusion anomaly dream machine
yumemi komo dream machine
shifz dream machine
socialfiction machines

"A dreamachine is little more than a perforated tube of paper placed on a spinning platter with a light bulb positioned in the tube. Holes are cut from the tube according to a specific pattern. " ( Dan Century)